Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Year's, Shmoo Year's

I have a serious problem with kitchen do-dads. No really, I'm the proverbial Little Mermaid of kitchenware.
I've got gadgets and gizmos a plenty
I've got whose-its and whats-it galore
You want thing-a-ma-bobs?
I've got 20!

It's a trait inherited directly from my Nana (along with clipping and saving recipes).  She was a real kitchen gadget kinda gal. I remember looking through the kitchen drawers and playing with all these little plastic tools. I'm convinced it's encoded in my DNA. At least that's my excuse.

So as my many small appliances are gathering dust in the corners of my cabinets, I've decided to embark on a New Year's Resolution: I'm going to use them all. I mean, not all at once. It would look like the PeeWee's Big Adventure kitchen if I did that. I mean I'm going to select one appliance and use it. Not only will it force me to use what I have (and not eat out!) but perhaps at the end I may find there are some things I should purge.

Use it or lose it should be my 2014 motto.

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