Friday, February 14, 2014

Crockpot Day 6 - Vegetable Fajitas

It has been raining for days. I say it like it's a huge inconvenience except that we've had two months of sunny, spring-like weather in the dead of winter. It's rough living in California.

I bring this up not to brag to the other frozen half of the U.S. but to point out that I like to make the house smell like warm-comfort-homemade food on rainy days. These fajitas cooked in the slow cooker throughout my gray afternoon filing the house with this peppery aroma that I couldn't wait to try. I added some beans into the mix to make them a little more filling.

Slow Cooker Fajitas:

  • 1 Red Bell Pepper, sliced
  • 1 Green Bell Pepper, sliced
  • 1 Onion, sliced
  • 1 Tomato, diced
  • 1 can Black Beans, drained
  • Taco Seasoning to taste approximately 1 Tablespoon
Place bell peppers, onion, tomato and taco seasoning in the slow cooker. Cook for 3-4 hours until the vegetables are tender. Add the black beans and cook for an additional 30 min. The water from the tomato was enough to not let the vegetables stick to the pot, but you could add a little water or oil into the mix if it is too dry.

I topped these with salsa, sour cream and avocado. 

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