Friday, August 2, 2013

Star Mobile

Space scene

During the intense nesting phase of my pregnancy, I decided on an outer space theme for the nursery. What nobody told me was the "nursery" is really just a baby storage area because the baby spends all the time sleeping in your bedroom and playing in the living room.

One day my adorably decorated room complete with custom painted mural and framed space posters will be really cute for a little boy. Considering he sleeps next to me in my bed right now, I have no idea when that day will come. But I am really looking forward to sleeping on more than a sliver of mattress.

My mother hand painted the walls. Even though I didn't paint it, I'm adding the pics anyways. It still counts because it's in the family, right? Somehow that artistic painting gene didn't travel it's way down to me.

I needed a mobile to go with the theme (even though technically his crib is stationed next to my bed...and he doesn't use it). I couldn't really find anything "space" related. There was one solar system mobile but it was $80 and looked more like a science project than something for a baby. Besides $80?? I could make something way cheaper than that!

So that started me on making my own. I finally came up with the star mobile. I was really easy and cost under $10.

Here's what I used:

  • One embroidery hoop (the inside hoop)
  • Blue ribbon
  • Nylon thread
  • Glitter foam stars with adhesive backs
I tied a pice of nylon thread around the hoop and cut varying lengths. Then I sandwiched the thread ends between the sticky sides of two stars. To keep the strings stationary, I put a dot of hot glue on the hoop and thread.

Finally, I finished off by wrapping a ribbon around the hoop and tying straps to hang the mobile.

I will say, I nearly snipped off all the stars in a fit of frustration because the thread gets SO TANGLED! But now that it's complete, it will be really sweet in the nursery. Hopefully it hangs over his sleepy head before my son turns five.

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