Sunday, August 4, 2013

Apple Carrot Baby Food Puree

I never know what to do with extra vegetables. Really, I want to eat carrots with a meal one night but I don't want to eat 20 of them. This happens every week and inevitably I feel bad throwing away perfectly good veggies. Ya, ya, I know I can freeze them, make a soup or vegetable stock but I....don't.

Since my baby is over 6 months now, I've been trying out different fruits and veggies. He does not like carrots, but I have some that need to be used and carrots are a good source of nutrients like beta carotene and calcium.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with buying baby food. In fact, I really like the Plum Organic brand, but making baby food is really easy plus you get to used leftovers from your fridge.  And you don't need any special equipment, a standard food processor works great.

Apple Carrot Puree
  • 3 Apples - cored, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 3 Carrots - peeled and cut into chunks
  • Apple Juice (optional)

Sizzling Apples

Boil the apples and carrots until very very tender. Don't discard the water. The carrots cook a bit longer than the apples about 10 minutes total.
Blend the apples and carrots in a food processor. Then with the machine running, slowly add liquid (can be a combination of reserved cooking water and apple juice) until the puree is thin.

This makes about 5 servings. I put 4 servings in the freezer for later. And the puree was a hit with my boy!

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