Saturday, July 27, 2013

Glitter Jars

I was really inspired by the glitter mason jars all over Pinterest, specifically this one. Seems easy, it's just glue and glitter. Right? Well....

I picked up some plain glass cups at the dollar store. The other jars I saw specified mod podge but I used some spray adhesive glue and copper glitter I had on hand.

It was a relatively quick project that just involved spraying the glass and rolling/spreading glitter on it. However, I think this is where things went wrong:

1) The glass I chose has lots of bumps and ridges. This makes for a very uneven coat of glitter (yes I see the bald spots, don't look real close).

2) I coated the outside of the glass whereas the other websites rolled glitter around the inside. I realize this sounds better but since I was planning on keeping bathroom items like cotton swabs, I just kept picturing glitter falling from my ears. So now I dread bringing them into the house and leaving a trail of glitter like breadcrumbs to find my way back out. 

I think for now these are going to be outside candle holders for the patio table. I do think they look nice... or will look nice once I apply another coat.


Also glitter gets EVERYWHERE so do it outside. On the upside (or to my husband's dismay) I have a very sparkly patio.

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