Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vampire Wreath

Me: Do you like my new wreath?

Mom: Are those boobs?

Me: What? No it's fangs....for halloween

Mom: It could be saggy boobs.

Me: Maybe we shouldn't talk about saggy boobs when I'm still breastfeeding.

Ok the wreath may not be my best work but they're fangs people, FANGS. Let's just get that right from the start.

I made a vampire wreath in honor of halloween. For the outside, I cut strands of red and black tulle and knotted them all the way around.

Then I made the boobs...err fangs out of felt. I cut triangles of white felt with small red triangles and hot glued to the top. Finished with a red ribbon for hanging.

I think the important lesson here is sometimes my crafts may need a second opinion. What looks like teeth to me may, in fact, look like an entirely different body part to someone else.

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