Friday, October 4, 2013

Fall Wreath

I am SO glad that fall is starting. Northern California heat coupled with my postpartum hot flashes have sent me into this new loathing of all things summer. I'm ready for apple crisps, falling leaves and delta breezes.

If an effort to kick start the fall season I made a a wreath to welcome the cooler weather. The wreath was very easy and cheap to make. The base is from the dollar store and everything else (felt and yarn) I had laying around the craft room.

First (and most tedious and boring) I tied on a piece of yarn and wrapped the whole took a long time.

Then I made the flowers. I cut 5 petals for each flower and sewed them similar to this. Then hot glued onto the wreath and finished by tying a ribbon to the top.

 C'mon Fall!

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