Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vampire Wreath

Me: Do you like my new wreath?

Mom: Are those boobs?

Me: What? No it's fangs....for halloween

Mom: It could be saggy boobs.

Me: Maybe we shouldn't talk about saggy boobs when I'm still breastfeeding.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Halloween Porch

Now that Fall has officially arrived, with it comes HALLOWEEN. This is a bit more exciting since it is the first time I have a little one around. Even though he's not going to remember this one, I'm starting early with holiday traditions and decorating for Halloween with be one of them.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Fall Wreath

I am SO glad that fall is starting. Northern California heat coupled with my postpartum hot flashes have sent me into this new loathing of all things summer. I'm ready for apple crisps, falling leaves and delta breezes.