Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fall crafts

Is Sept 1st too early for fall crafts? Because even though it is October, I technically made these and set them out on September 1st. Hey, if the stores are going to start putting out pumpkins then I think it's safe to start fall celebrations.

I made this little mason jar fall craft. Yes, yes I'll admit to seeing something similar on Pinterest. But as my bestie pointed out to me, at least I am making it and not just pinning things (ok but I'm totally pinning things too, follow me here!)

So for the $4 fall mason jar craft, I used 4 glass jars from the dollar store. I liked the aged pages look but didn't want to rip up any of my books (and honestly was too lazy to go to goodwill) so I printed out "aged book page" from Google. I also printed out letters in a font and size I liked just from word.

After folding the page so that it just fit under the lip of the jars, I cut out and placed the letters as a template on the page.

 Then using a pencil, stencil the letter and fill in with a black sharpie.

After stenciling all letters, I just placed it in the jar so that it curled around the inside.

I think it turned out pretty cute. I should really tie some raffia around the lid to dress it up a little more, but you can't beat a $4 decoration!

Happy fall crafting!

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